Onno ITmazes Trevor Scott of TOP-FM with his stories of Sungroper Internet
Cafe. |
It's official! We're off to the 7th World Solar Challenge 2003. |
Even the mighty Nuon team from The Netherlands must face the scrutineers. |
We've forgotten to bring half of the car. |
Doug finds the procedure all a bit too tiring. |
Don't pull the red tape! |
Maybe if I keep quiet they won't notice I've got it hidden up my sleeve. |
Sungroper stickers were popular - even Chris Selwood had one on his vehicle. |
Lannie prepares for his first drive around the Hidden Valley circuit... |
And now he's ready to go! |
A quick gear change and we'll be ready for another run... |
Well maybe not that quick, but we'll be faster on the race. |
Start your run at 25 indicated Lannie! |
I think I can see the chequered flag up ahead! |
Has anyone seen where Sungroper has gone? |
It's alright - here she comes now. |
Topping up the array for the speed trials on Saturday. |
We all know that the real solar car driver sits in here. |
All is quiet after a busy day in the pits. |